E-mail: infprev4frica@esel.pt
InfPrev4frica is an extension of InovSafeCare
The InovSafeCare community originates from the InovSafeCare Project, and it has expanded through the outcomes of four funded international Projects (InovSafeCare, PrevInf, HainnovPrev, InfPrev4frica and MPIPrevEdu), engaging over 24 universities across Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. This community comprises nursing educators and students, nurses, other healthcare professionals, as well as any individual, institution, or enterprise interested in participating in projects utilizing their strategies and outputs. The aim is to disseminate fresh ideas and innovative pedagogical and research solutions in the nursing domain concerning HCAIs prevention and control.
“Capacitating Sub-Saharan African HEIs to Educate Nursing Students for Sustainable and Innovative Infection Prevention and Control practices”