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General information:

Project summary:

InfPrev4frica project aims to capacitate Nursing HEIs from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), to facilitate the development of competences of nursing students in healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) prevention and control and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) stewardship, in response to the need to improve the quality of healthcare in this area, increasing its safety and effectiveness, one of the world-wide health priorities that gains special importance in this African region, due to the representativeness of the incidence, morbidity and mortality related to HAI. Intervening on education process of the future professionals and at the same time, strengthening the link between the academy and the present professionals, this project proposes to improve the quality of HE in SSA, enhancing its relevance for the labour market and society by enhancing the level of competences, skills and potential of students. To this, an innovative nursing curricula, focused on infection prevention and control, innovating in contents selection and approach, learning objectives and on the improvement of partner's teaching/ learning pedagogical methods and tools, will allow the development of high level thinking competences, arising nursing students’ innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in these intervention areas. Aligned with the undeniable fact that education of health professionals’ design involves the accordance with the health needs of the society where care is provided, the main outcome of this project is an innovative pedagogical model that formally addresses this scopus in this cultural and healthcare reality, giving meaningfulness to the students, as for patient safety to result in safe practice and improved patient outcomes, this must happen. To achieve this Model, along with innovative methods and tools, namely in simulation-based learning, the project is planned to guarantee the development of HEIs' curricula in HAIs prevention and control and AMR stewardship, being its main activities the design, piloting, evaluating and implementing the InfPrev4frica Model and Simulation Scenarios, resulting in InfPrev4frica E-book (integrating the theoretical pedagogical approach inherent to the Model and the Simulation Scenarios) that will guide professors and mentors through this new educational pathway. Throughout the development and improvement of these outputs, up to 1200 nursing students, 70 nursing professors and 200 nurses/ healthcare stakeholders will get in contact with the InfPrev4frica pedagogical conceptions, creating a SSA network of people, entities, education and healthcare institutions. The integration of InfPrev4frica network in the European InovSafeCare Community (an output of a previous successful project in this area) will enlarge the space of reflexion, discussion and implementation

Project number:  101083108

as well the names of work packages;

Duration: 36 months

Period: 1st june 2023 – 31st may 2026

Total budget: 800.000 €

Work packages:

WP1 – Quality Plan
WP 2 - Design of the InfPrev4frica model and simulation scenarios
WP 3 – Agile piloting and development of InfPrev4frica model and simulation scenarios
WP 4 - Piloting and evaluating Infprev4frica model and simulation scenarios
WP 5 - Dissemination and exploitation
WP 6 – Project Management


InfPrev4frica aims to capacitate Nursing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to facilitate the development of nursing students’ competences in healthcare associated infections (HAIs) prevention and control, in response to the need to improve the quality of healthcare in this area, increasing its safety and effectiveness.

The major outcomes of the Project are: 

1. The InfPrev4frica Model and InfPrev4frica Simulation Scenarios, as their key objective is to facilitate the acquisition of nursing students’ competences in HAIs prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship and

2. enlarged InovSafeCare Community, which will integrate the SSA’s collaborative network, providing the opportunity to broaden the know-how and SSA HEIs’ specificities, incrementing the discussion and knowledge within the European Community and other already adherent members.


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InfPrev4frica is an extension of InovSafeCare