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InfPrev4frica is an extension of InovSafeCare


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InfPrev4frica - assumptions of the project for educating nursing students in Sub-Saharan Africa, Conference "New trends in nursing", Poznań, Poland

On 04.06.2024, the 2nd edition of the scientific and training conference New Trends in Nursing organized by the Medical University in Poznań took place. During the event, the InfPref4frica project team represented by Dr. Marlena Szewczyczak presented the assumptions and goals of the project regarding the implementation of the InfPrev4frica pedagogical model and simulation scenarios used in the training of nursing students and professionals, as well as the essence of strengthening HAI prevention skills in Sub-Saharan African countries.

International Nursing Research Congress (NursID) with the participation of the Infprev4frica Project Team

On May 6th and 7th, 2024, the International Nursing Research Congress, known as NursID, was held in the Nursing School of Porto, Portugal. At this event, the InfPrev4frica project team was represented, highlighting the importance of developing pedagogical capacities in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). During the session, the objectives of this project were shared regarding the implementation of the InfPrev4frica pedagogical model and the simulation scenarios used in the training of nursing students and professionals. The presentation emphasized the project's positive impact on strengthening the skills of educators and mentors, promoting a comprehensive and responsibility-oriented approach to teaching HAI prevention in sub-Saharan countries.

17th International Conference Of Nursing Research, Lisbon, Portugal

The 17th International Conference of Nursing Research took place in Lisbon in May 2024, and ESEL’s team presented the Project with a communication entitled “Uma experiência transcontinental de capacitação para a mudança no Ensino de enfermagem. O projeto InfPrev4frica,” which was awarded the 1st Prize for this type of communication.

2nd ESEL Alumni Good Practices Meeting

On March 11th, 2024, took place at ESEL the 2nd Alumni Good Practices Meeting, with the aims of disseminating good practices, discussing its contributions in the clinic, in the management and organization of care for citizens, families and communities, and also sharing professional experiences with an impact on nursing care.For this event, the master students’ members of the ESEL team presented a communication publicizing the project ERASMUS +: InfPrev4frica and sharing their experience through the project, within the scientific and academic community of ESEL as well some partners’ stakeholders.

Family Nurses Meeting

On January 10th, 2024, a meeting of nurses was held at the District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in Poznań; to discuss the principles of nursing practice, the competences of nurses in the light of the new regulations and to discuss current issues. In connection with this event, team member Marlena Szewczyczak presented a message promoting the Erasmus+ project and shared her experiences with stakeholders.

"Crucial epidemiological threats in midwives' practice" during Polish Midwifes Society Conference

On 8-9th of December 2023, Barbara Czech-Szczapa presented the goals of the Infprev4frica project during her conference speech.

INFPREV4FRICA dissemination on the 5th Neurological and Psychiatric Nursing conference

On December 8th, 2023, the 5th Neurological and Psychiatric Nursing. Innovations, challenges, prospects conference was held in Poznań. During the conference, Krystyna Jaracz, on behalf of the project group, presented the ideas and essence of the InfPrev4frica project.

ESEL Meeting with Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA)

Last September 2023 ESEL welcomed the PhD professor Adriana Paz and the associated PhD professor Rita Caregnato, both from Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) in a meeting with ESEL team members (Florinda Galinha de Sá and Maria do Rosário Pinto) with the aim to present the Capacity Building for Higher Education programs in development stare in ESEL, where the InfPrev4frica ERASMUS + project was announced.

ESEL Meeting with UNIUD - Università degli Studi di Udine

On October 2023, members of ESEL team were in Udine, where they publicized the InfPrev4frica ERASMUS + project. Through various meetings, ESEL team members had the opportunity to meet with professionals from the hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia, who use simulation as a training strategy to improve performance, as well with professors and nurses from the Università degli Studi di Udine, who are responsible for running the hospital's simulation center and uses simulation as a pedagogical strategy in nursing students training.In addition to publicizing the project, the participants had the opportunity to see the simulation center’s facilities, as well as its operating structure training programme, getting contributions to InfPrev4frica ERASMUS + project development.

Promotional Banner:
“The InfPrev4frica’s Project in Mahajanga”

Promotional Banner of Kick Off Meeting “InfPrev4frica: Capacitating SubSaharan African HEIs to educate Nursing Students for Sustainable and Innovative Infection Prevention and Control practices”